SERVICES - Enhancements
If you’re looking to stand out from your competition and impress passers-by with an enriched exterior experience, call on Woodlawns Landscape Company, your Chicago and North Shore landscaping experts. You can count on us to be your wholehearted advocates. Our unique landscape enhancement services are designed precisely with you in mind—and we’ll make smart, informed decisions that leave impactful impressions while ensuring your landscape’s long-term sustainability.

Landscape Renovation
Redesign of existing and new landscapes
Enhanced key focal areas, foundation plantings, and parking lot islands
Creative landscape solutions for tough areas

Plant & Tree Installations and Replacement
Replacement of declining plant material with new thriving varieties
Recommendations of viable new plants and trees for existing spaces
Updating overgrown and tired spaces with new durable selections
Options for tough site conditions like parking lot islands, excessive shade, and hot windy locations like rooftops

Hardscape Solutions
Boulders and outcropping
Cobblestone installation
Paver installations
Retaining walls

Premium shredded hardwood bark mulch
Amendment (peat moss, soil conditioner, sand, etc.)
Soil care treatments

Turf Renovation
Slit seeding
Sod removal/replacement
Soil testing

Drainage Solutions
Catch basins
Drain tile
French drains